Tuesday, September 10, 2024


I am invigorated.

There is a feeling of excitement around here

 that is substantial,

 and the weather is beginning to 

give way to signs of autumn. 

 It is the time of year when thoughts, 

for me, turn to practical situations. 

 Yearly doctor appointments are over and done, 

with positive outcomes,

 and something is buzzing, 

something that gets me up off the couch 

and itching to get to work. 

 Housecleaning, after a long hot summer,

 is once again a thing of pleasurable necessity 

and it seems as if a season of hope is within reach.

I have said, in the past,

 that when it comes to my painting obsession,

 three little words are very important: 

 practice, practice, practice. 

 Whether I really wanted to believe that or not

 it seems to be true. 

 When I first started, I couldn't draw a straight line and had to trace all my subjects. 

 Now, even though I still can't draw a straight line, 

I have been able to draw and paint 

the above porch scene.  

I know it isn't perfect and more practice and time 

may not make it so,

 but I admit that the process is easier 

for me than it was,

 and I feel better about the outcome.

I painted this sign on the back of 

my Christmas quilt square board.  

At least two seasons can come and go

without having to try to find storage for it. 

 For whatever reason, 

I had a strange desire to paint it green 

and when I put it on the shelf over the couch 

it just looked horrible against the blue wall. 

 I can hardly wait until we repaint those walls.

Believe it or not, 

the Captain thinks this plate is

 the best thing I have painted.

Here are a few more of the little folk art pieces 

that I have been working on:

I just couldn't help myself.

  I started some fall decor.

  I have been watching some YouTube videos

 and have gotten into the spirit.

  I ordered some autumn scented cleaner and candles 

and can't wait to try them out.  


The next part of this episode 

is the time when the screen fades to black

 and the heroine wakes up 

and realizes that while she was counting sheep 

her dreams turned into nightmares.

Da, da, ta, da!


That beautiful and amazing fall-like morning 

that I woke up to on that day didn't last very long.  

The next morning had turned into 50 shades of gray, and I mean that in color only, 

and brought with it pouring rain and soggy spirits. 

 The candles came that I ordered, and the scent is wonderful and definitely autumn 

but the cleaning supplies did not, 

so I put off another day 

that which I should have started. 

 As each day passed and the supplies didn't arrive, 

even though "Alexa" kept saying

 that was the day that they would,

 the sun came out once again 

and brought with it the unending heat

 that has come to be so familiar this summer,

 and I "waited one more day" to get busy.

I am still waiting.

As I was changing throw pillows on the sofa,

 I saw these disgusting brown spots and peeling leather on the back cushion. 

 I swear I don't know how long it had been like that 

or how it got that way. 

 It is only on the side that the Captain sits on

 and we have racked our brains to think of something 

that he would wear that might cause it 

but can come up with nothing.

This sofa was not the most expensive one but it wasn't cheap by my standards either

 and the rest that gets as much wear as that spot

 is in perfect condition.  

As luck would have it, I also added an insurance policy that would protect us

 if something should happen like this. 

 It was good for 3 years

 and we have had the sofa for 2. 

 So, in all good faith 

I called the company, Allstate, that held the policy

 and Wayfair, the company of purchase.

  They both were easy and hopeful to talk to

 and both said they would do what was needed to be done to fix the problem 

after I sent photos of the damage. 

 Allstate got back to us and said they would call us 

to set up a time to have someone come to the house and look at the sofa.  

Then a few days later, we get an email from Allstate stating that the problems we were having,

 discoloration and peeling leather, 

were not covered under our policy. 

 They listed everything else except the kitchen sink that was covered but not this particular problem. 

 I was so mad at that point 

I really didn't listen to what was actually covered 

but it all sounded to me 

just like what was happening to this sofa.  

I asked for them to cancel the policy

 and give me my money back for the remaining time 

but they said that was Wayfair's problem not theirs. 

 Long story short, Wayfair canceled the rest of the contract and will be sending the money back 

but I fault them also 

in using their website 

to promote this insurance company and for selling an inferior product and not standing behind it.

 I tried to find a place

 to leave a comment on Wayfair's site 

but they must have discontinued this particular sofa.  

Be very careful

 of ordering leather products from Wayfair. 

 Some might not be of the best quality. 

 I have made the decision 

to not order from them again. 

I have done business with them in the past 

and have always been satisfied 

but this is too large of an issue to disregard.

Now, as I write this, 

I take that first sip of the caramel latte that the Captain got for me this morning 

and I guess Starbucks forgot to add the caramel,

 so that must mean another day to sit and contemplate the injustice of it all. 

 As you probably have figured out it doesn't take much to set me off these days, 

I guess, once a Cottage Witch, always a Cottage Witch.

Well, today is a new day

 and the blue skies and gentle breeze again make me think of Autumn 

so, I might be getting back on track. 

 I managed to tuck a small bit of fall into the parlor so that is always a good sign.

Light a beautiful, scented candle 

and enjoy the end of summer. 

 Candle is from Amazon, Better Homes & Gardens, Farm Apple and Pumpkin, $11 and change. 

 A great price, smells wonderful and long lasting.

Until next time,


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Love Your Creativity Link Party #269 | Life and Linda

Tuesday, July 30, 2024



Hi Everyone.  Hope all is well. 

 I have missed visiting with you

 for the last few weeks. 

 It has been very warm around here 

and, for our own protection, 

we don't move around too much.

 A lot of sitting and TV watching, 

with the most energy going to painting. 

However, those aren't the only reasons why 

I have been quiet.

Robin has been sick.  Very sick.

  I think we almost lost her but she is now

 on the road to recovery so we are very thankful. 

 She was listless and wouldn't take any food or water. 

 Our vets have been on top of it

 right from the beginning 

and kept pushing for a full recovery.  

They left no stone unturned and, 

after what seemed like such a long time,

 they were successful.

She was fine one minute and then,

 after a short morning trip outside, 

she collapsed as she entered back inside

 and we knew something was really wrong

 and called the vet immediately. 

 We had to take her in on an emergency basis 

and they immediately took

 x-rays, blood work and put her on an IV.

  They saw an obstruction but couldn't tell if it was undigested food or a foreign object.  

After a couple of days it did disappear

 so did think it was undigested food...

 ...she was hospitalized

 but we brought her home each night with the IV

 as they don't have overnight staff to watch her

 and she couldn't be left alone.

  We then returned her in the morning.

 She lingered like this for awhile 

before she steadily started coming back to normal.

  She is now doing well and is on a special diet

 along with an arsenal of meds. 

 They can't really say what caused it all 

but as long as she is improving and doing well

 will leave it alone. 

 If she should take another turn 

then there will be more extensive tests. 

As you can see, 

she only has to roll those big eyes 

to get what she wants

 and that is one of three things.

  She either wants

 us all to be on the couch, a treat or FOOD! 

 Usually three out of three ain't bad!

I have been painting a lot

 and am pretty happy about 

finding this new style for me. 

 It is so colorful and simple

 and seems to fit in with my abilities 

better than anything more involved. 

 It just feels like a natural fit.

  I want to thank you all

 for your great support and kind comments 

about what I have showed you so far.  
You said you wanted to see more
 so, as the saying goes,
 be careful what you wish for!

Until next time, 

stay well and happy and cool.


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Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda

Tuesday, July 9, 2024



Ah, Summertime. 

 It really is a beautiful time of the year. 

 A time for fun, a time to explore, and a time to restore the mind 

of all the best that life has to offer.  

I can look back and see

 summers spent in Yosemite National Park, 

walking trails and climbing mountains. 

 Summers spent at my grandparent's ranch, 

swimming in the creek and picking berries.

 Summers spent with friends, riding horses

 and summers spent at 4-H Camp, 

singing around the campfire. 

 As I grew older

 there were summers spent at home, 

 as my parents and younger siblings 

went on vacation without me,

just because I could be trusted.

  Summers spent working my first job

 at Santa's Village

 and summers spent dreaming of going back to school with new shoes

 that were the ultimate of high fashion.

The older I got
 the more I looked forward to summer. 
 Now, I had a family of my own to share these beautiful days with.  
The kids were always so happy to get out of school
 and looked forward to vacations. 
 I could relate and remembered all of those days. 
 A trip to Disneyland
 was a very big deal for all of us
and Thursday nights at the Drive-In movie theatre
 for Dollar Nights 
with the promise of a trip 
to the canteen during intermission.

Fast forward a few very short years 

with motorhome trips to 

Canada and Yellowstone National Park

 or cruises to Mexico and Alaska. 

 They all pass by in a blur, 

and now you see photos that your grandkids took 

while vacationing in Costa Rica.

84 summers is not a long time.  
They go by more quickly than you will ever imagine 
but there is an upside to it all. 
There is the potential for memories that stay 
with you for a lifetime 
and, believe it or not, 
it makes "slowing down" easier to endure,
 although, I will admit, to not always liking it.

Folk art is the mirror image of real life.  

It is simple and plain, full of bright colors

 and direct images. 

 There is no real way to see it, 

only what you 

think is the right way 

and even then, you can only hope that 

you have seen it well.

  You learn as you go along, 

and like anything else, with practice it gets easier.  

It most likely will take a few summers to get it right 

but I, for one, will keep trying.

Hope your summer is

 one of the best!

Until next time,


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Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


I hope you like the new summer header.

 It is a beach out of my imagination that I wish I was sitting on right now 

and I left a lot of room so you all could join me.

Happy summer days everyone.

  I hope you are enjoying this beautiful time of the year. 

 The sunflower plant is thriving and will soon burst forth in full bloom. 

 I hope I won't regret where I planted it. 

 I hope that all who pass by 

will take in its beauty with their eyes and noses 

and not with their hands. 

 It has been known to happen around here

 from flowers to fences. 

The cosmos are coming along but the zinnia seeds

 that I planted are not seeming so lucky. 

 Everyone tells me how easy it is to grow from seeds 

but I have not had much luck in that department. 

 I tried finding plants at the nursery 

but they all were out of the large zinnias. 

 I ordered the seeds from Floret 

and they are some of the beautiful creations 

that they work so hard to create and perfect. 

 Only I could mess that up and, so far,

 it looks like I might have. 

 Time will tell.

The old school phlox is on the verge 

of bursting into bloom. 

 Soon the garden walk 

will be surrounded by white clouds. 

 I just can't seem to mess 

these particular flowers up.  

They always come through year after year. 

 My kind of gardening.

A few additional items have been added 

to the parlor spring mantel 

so that it is ready for Independence Day festivities. 

 After that it will take on a more summery attitude.

We are enjoying the start

 of wonderful summer weather 

as it slowly works its way up

 to what is known around here

 as "complaining weather". 

 All seasons have one. 

  However, we are not quite there yet. 

 We are soaking up all the goodness while we can. 

Hope everyone is staying as cool as they can

 and enjoying it all.

I have had problems finding where my photos go.

 For some reason I have been unable to find them after I took them out of the camera 

and put them into the computer.  

Don't you just love how I describe the process?

 No wonder I never know what I am doing. 

Anyway, I thought it had been settled after a trip to the store where I bought the computer 

but I only remembered to tell the technician

 half of the problem 

so came home not being anymore 

well off than when I left.  

After many tries and many fails,

 it finally became clear what the problem was 

and I finally could fix it. 

And that is really saying something. 

 Now I have been noticing that an error occurs

 when I try to leave a comment on most blogs. 

 I haven't got a clue why 

but I will keep trying to find out the problem 

and be sure that I am reading them all anyway.

Until next time...


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Love Your Creativity Link Party #258 | Life and Linda