Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Hello Everyone! 

 Hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.  

We want to thank

 all the men and women who fought, 

and continue to fight so valiantly,

 so that we can still enjoy 

our rights to a free country. 

 Please don't let it be in vain.

The valerian is standing proud and bright 

and adds some beautiful patriotic color 

to the holiday garden.

The weather has been absolutely beautiful.  

Very balmy with a little breeze.

  An opportune time for some 

work in the garden and some porch sitting. 

 Here at the Cottage we feel so lucky 

to have a morning porch and a night time porch...

...the morning porch, 

otherwise known as the front porch, 

is the perfect place to sit 

and enjoy a first cup of coffee

 but as the day wears on the mosquitoes come out 

and then it can be a very unpleasant place to be...

...that is when we move to the screened porch

 and life becomes bearable again.

When the sun goes down

 the screened porch is really pretty

 with the twinkle lights

 and the ivy in the background

 in the Secret Garden.

We took a trip to the nursery last week 

and found a few things to add to the garden...

...some Batchelor Buttons...

...tiny zinnias...

...and cosmos.

The coreopsis that was planted a couple of years ago

 keeps returning and this year

 the buds are bigger than ever.

Everything is mixing in well 

with the Valerian, Old School Phlox,

 Lavender and California poppies 

so hopefully it will all be 

bright and beautiful in no time.

The Grand Illumination has returned.

Hope everyone is well 

and until next time...


Sharing today with:

Love Your Creativity at Life nd Linda

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Yesterday we had rain. 

 Yes, we did.  

Last night we were supposed to have snow. 

 No, we didn't. 

 Today we have sunshine again. 

 So far we still are.

  The weather score card is hard to keep up with

 and is not something you can count on.

As of last week, 

we had a wonderful view through lace curtains 

and thought the upcoming weekend could include 

a fun trip to the nursery 

for a head start on some summer color 

but, instead,

 the lilac bush which was full of beautiful blooms, 

was barely holding up under rain and wind

 and the Cecil Brunner was wishing,

 I'm sure,

 it had stayed under cover a while longer.

In honor of spring 

our little town has decorated the main street 

and it really looks pretty. 

 During the height of Covid,

 restaurants added tables on the sidewalk

 so that they wouldn't have to close their doors. 

 It was well received

 so it was decided to close off the whole street, permanently,

 by adding cobblestones, planters 

and places to walk, shop and dine without cars. 

 The only problem is

 that parking is limited around the area 

so don't know how it will hold up over the long run. 

 My friends and I don't go to lunch

 in the downtown area for that reason.

Corn Flowers 

but I grew up calling them Bachelor Buttons

Nothing too exciting going on around here

 so I have been practicing painting...

I have tried tulips many times 

and only have this one to show for it.

I think I am getting the hang of the sunflower

 but know this can be much better.

 California poppies

 in case you were wondering.


my favorite so far.

I think I enjoy painting Bachelor Buttons the best.

At least I am drawing them all freehand now. 

 If that means I'm improving, I'll take it. 

 It seems to be three steps forward 

and one step back 

but it still is a fun way to spend my time.

Have a wonderful week.


 Sharing today with:

Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda