"The glory of the garden lies in more than meets the eye."
Rudyard Kipling
Is there a better way to be welcomed to a party, hosted by Mother Nature, than through the garden gate..?
The fairies have already arrived.
They have settled into their new, comfortable accommodations.
But, mind your step, as they are prone to wander about, unexpectedly, as soon as the sun goes down.
The valerian stands guard around the premises, keeping an eye out for any party crashers...
...oh, oh, it appears that one escaped their watchful eyes.
The David Austen roses are the guests of honor at this party.
With the Cecil Brunner in attendance.
The lilacs were the first to arrive, but didn't stay long.
They must have had other social obligations.
The antique summer phlox is not at it's best yet this season.
I think the old girl is trying to be fashionably late.
The lavender beauties have not finished dressing.
They won't be entirely presentable until they have donned their lovely purple garden bonnets.
The hollyhocks look like they might make an appearance at this party.
They were less than eager to attend last years.
The sweet lily of the valley just poked their heads in for a little while on their way to another engagement.
"White silver bells upon a slender stalk
Lillys of the Valley deck my garden walk."
Old song
Not too bad for the coming out season.
Maybe we can talk the fairies into staying around after the party is over and work their magic for the next one.
The fairies would like to share today with: