The kitchen, this year,
has hardly changed from year's past.
I guess if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
So I have heard.
A couple of years ago it became a home
for all things gingerbread
and it continues to be that.
Most of you have heard these explanations many times,
but in case you are new to the Cottage,
rest assured that the old-timers are
very courteous and generous.
They won't mind being on repeat.
With that said,
I have to warn you
that this post is long winded.
Very longwinded with photos and words.
This cupboard was purchased
many years ago from Ikea.
It has great storage
and I couldn't get along without it now.
I painted the little glass panes in the drawers
with blackboard paint
and wrote herb names on them.
Believe it or not,
that was about seven years ago
and I have not had to do them over yet.
I had ordered what I thought
looked like a cute wall sign.
It was of a pickup truck in seasonal dress
with the Holly Farm sign attached.
When it came, I hated how cheap the truck looked
but loved the sign part
so I took it apart and discarded the truck.
That is how Holly Farms came to be.
The little red houses are a good match
for the red stove so, as you can see,
it all became part of the fresh farm scene.
This is our working island, if you can believe that.
It is small but mighty.
A lot of chopping goes on there
and it is about all we could fit in the space.
We found it at a consignment shop
and found out it was also from Ikea
so we call it the Little Sister.
These two are my most prized possessions.
Tami gifted me this ceramic house many years ago.
It was green and white when I decided to paint it.
I love how it turned out
and when it is set up in the forest
with Grandpa's old white pickup loaded down
with the family Christmas tree
and all the lamps inside are lit,
it is the coziest place I could think to be.
I painted the Santa during my "Santa phase"
and I love his facial expression.
They both sit by this wall every year.
These little houses started out as pink and yellow plastic doll houses from Dollar Tree.
I saw them all over Pinterest and when I went to our Dollar Tree they only had the one style.
I wanted two because
they just fit on the windowsill better.
The trees are part of a Dollar Tree product too.
They look like little gingerbread condos
. After all was said and done,
I did find another style at the store,
so I picked that one up for next year's project.
This counter holds some berries, a tree,
a spiffy chicken from Hobby Lobby
and glass canisters full of
cereal and Cheerios for dog treats.
This little house is the cutest thing.
It is from Temu and it is 3 dimensional.
It is a flat piece of plastic with a picture of a gingerbread house on it.
It appears to be sitting on a cake stand.
You would swear that it is a
perfect little house sitting before you.
You can see it from front and back
so it shows from the outside of the window too.
I just love it.
I usually have this Santa and cups on the counter
next to the stove
but it takes up a lot of valuable space.
I put it on this old bread board
and it fits there nicely.
I made the hanging hearts
many years ago when I had my kiln
and there is one of my recent folk art paintings.
We changed the angle of the table
which seems to take up less room than before...
...and we also added the North Wind chairs
that were in the dining room.
They are very old and were a gift to my grandfather from a woman he used to work for.
They are oak and have the original hand caned seats,
or at least one of them does.
Someone sat on one of them and went through the cane once upon a time.
That's pretty much the end of the kitchen tour.
There is only a towel with a cute goat
hanging on the oven door
and the frig doesn't have any decorations at all.
Hope you enjoyed it and weren't too bored.
Oops, one more thing.
The centerpiece on the kitchen table
was used on our Christmas dinner table
as it didn't take up much room.
We put all the food on the kitchen table
and everyone filled their plates, buffet style,
and then sat in the dining room.
Oh, my, did we forget the dining room, you ask?
No, we did not, but that has
a little different tweak to it
so I thought it deserved a showing all by itself.
It will be coming to you in a couple of days.
Christmas is coming very soon.
It seems funny to say that
since we have already celebrated ours...
Until then...
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Judy your Christmas home is always a treat to behold! I get lost in your photos, spying all your creative displays, not to mention your gorgeous furniture and fixtures. You could repeat this holiday decor over and over and I still don't think I'd catch all the magic!! Merry Christmas!!