Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Hello Everyone! 

 Hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.  

We want to thank

 all the men and women who fought, 

and continue to fight so valiantly,

 so that we can still enjoy 

our rights to a free country. 

 Please don't let it be in vain.

The valerian is standing proud and bright 

and adds some beautiful patriotic color 

to the holiday garden.

The weather has been absolutely beautiful.  

Very balmy with a little breeze.

  An opportune time for some 

work in the garden and some porch sitting. 

 Here at the Cottage we feel so lucky 

to have a morning porch and a night time porch...

...the morning porch, 

otherwise known as the front porch, 

is the perfect place to sit 

and enjoy a first cup of coffee

 but as the day wears on the mosquitoes come out 

and then it can be a very unpleasant place to be...

...that is when we move to the screened porch

 and life becomes bearable again.

When the sun goes down

 the screened porch is really pretty

 with the twinkle lights

 and the ivy in the background

 in the Secret Garden.

We took a trip to the nursery last week 

and found a few things to add to the garden...

...some Batchelor Buttons...

...tiny zinnias...

...and cosmos.

The coreopsis that was planted a couple of years ago

 keeps returning and this year

 the buds are bigger than ever.

Everything is mixing in well 

with the Valerian, Old School Phlox,

 Lavender and California poppies 

so hopefully it will all be 

bright and beautiful in no time.

The Grand Illumination has returned.

Hope everyone is well 

and until next time...


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Love Your Creativity at Life nd Linda


  1. Beautiful Judy. LOVE the porch all lit up. So homey and inviting!

    1. Thanks so much, Debra. It looks pretty magical at night..xxoJudy

  2. Judy your home is always so charming, but never more so than in summer, when the flowers are blooming and the porch is open!! Enjoy every drop of these next few months in your dreamy cottage! xo

    1. Thanks so much, Kim. I appreciate your kind words. Summer is grand here but I am fighting big mosquitoes this year..Happy Sunshine..xxoJudy

  3. Judy, your porch sitting sounds very appealing. We, too, enjoy a screened in porch. It's such a pleasant way to spend time relaxing. I'm adding some color to my containers, mostly white trailing vinca, but bought some sun patiens this year to give them a try. Normally I like to have impatiens in my containers, but our summers of late
    are just too hot for them to survive. Hopeful the sun patiens will do better. Happy Summer!

    1. Thanks so much, Sarah.. I always grew impatience when we lived in Santa Cruz because we always had good amounts of shade. I didn't even know they have sun impatience so I will get some for here.. They would be lovely in the Secret Garden..xxoJudy

  4. Judy your sweet home always looks so beautiful. Love it lite up at night. Have a great week. Hugs Kris @ junkchiccottage.

    1. Thanks so much, Kris. Night time is the best. Hides a lot of dust! Haha..xxoJudy

  5. So pretty, Judy! Love that you have two porches to enjoy the beautiful gardens. The valerian is amazing and love your new nursery finds. I think I could spend the whole day just admiring the view. Of course, I know how much work it takes to make things so nice. Enjoy your weekend in your sweet little cottage. x K

    1. Thanks so much, Karen. Truthfully, not as much work goes into it on our end as it probably should. For some weird reason this garden sort of takes care of itself. xxoJudy

  6. How wonderful that you have not one but two porches to enjoy. Both are warm and inviting. Love all of your patriotic decor and perfect for this time of the year. I use to have Bachelor Buttons. I so loved their colors. Janice

    1. Thanks so much, Janice. I only planted two plants of Bachelor Buttons so don't know if they will make a very good showing but they are pretty for now. I think I need to start planting seeds. Happy June..xxoJudy

  7. Judy,
    O My!! I have always loved seeing your porches and they never disappoint ...Both are so tranquil and pretty!! I am sure it is just lovely to sit on either one....I truly hope to get some time in on my front porch, during the afternoon when the shade is there and the back Patio in the evening... Hopefully, we will not have tropical dew points like we did last year in NEPA...I hope you enjoy your weekend!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. Thanks so much, Deb. You can't beat porch sitting. The mosquitoes are so thick this season that we can't sit much on the front porch and I miss talking to the neighbors..Happy June..xxoJudy

  8. Judy, how lovely your flowers look. The weather has been so nice. This coming week, there is a heat wave. So happy you have two porches to enjoy. Your Patriotic decor is lovely. Happy June. xoxo

    1. Thanks so much, Linda. The weather is beautiful but starting to really heat up. It will be good for all the flowers. Happy June..xxoJudy

  9. Judy,
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words...I am blessed that both my sons live so close to me...I hope you are having a good week and that you are doing well...
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. Thanks for stopping by here, Deb. We are trying to beat the heat around here but so far it isn't too bad..Happy Summer, my friend..xxoJudy

  10. Lovely garden spaces, Judy. Love the twinkly light idea and seeing your charming porch.

  11. Judy,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! We are in the middle of a hear wave and I can not wait until it is over....I hope you are staying cool!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog


Your comments are so special to me...Judy