Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Summer is definitely still here 
but, at times,
 there is a feeling of fall
 in the air.

 Leaves are steadily covering
 the floor of 
the Secret Garden...

...and the zinnia blooms 
are showing signs of slowing down, 
along with the old-school phlox
 going to seed...

...and one last picking,
 among the store bought blooms,
 keep us satisfied until
 next summer.

I really don't approve 
of shutting one season down
 before it is time. 
some coming attractions 
just can't wait 
so I have taken the liberty of
 bringing a little bit of fall
 to the Cottage.

 These little owls 
were a purchase from Antique Farmhouse. 
 I just couldn't
 resist their cuteness.

The Chinese Lanterns
 are now a mass of brightness 
peeking through a jumble of 
greenery, phlox and spirea in the garden.
  A sure sign
 that fall is almost here and 
they make a very autumnal statement
 in the scheme of things.

I "borrowed" the lamp
 from the Captain's library. 
 I like the feel of it
 for fall
 along with the wreath 
I made a few years ago 
out of coffee filters.

 This is the Limelight hydrangea bush 
when we first planted it two years ago. 
 It had a few blooms
 which I picked and dried...

...here are those
 same blooms

Last year 
it didn't grow much bigger and 
there were only a few blooms and 
they dried like this.

All summer long, 
sitting on the front porch,
 we kept smelling this 
soft, wonderful scent and 
didn't know where it was coming from. 
 One of the Limelights stem 
was bent so when I picked it,
 I found out what that scent was. 
This is the third year 
the bush has been in place and
 I never noticed it smelled so beautifully.
  I think there will be 
another bumper crop of dried Limelights
 again this year.

Did you notice 
the reflection of one of the paintings 
I attempted last week? 
 Well, I tried another similar one and 
it did not turn out well. 
 I also tried another, 
with different subjects and 
it was no good either. 
 I have decided 
that painting Santa's
 is my niche 
as I did this one and
 am pretty pleased, again,
 of how it 
turned out.


He is a little different in style. 
 A round, quirky little fella 
who seems to take his job 
of carrying Old Glory 
quite seriously.

I want to thank you all 
for your kind compliments. 
 They mean a lot to me and 
I am now on the lookout 
for more Santas.
 Be prepared 
to be 



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  1. Those owls are so adorable! It feels like Nov here in GA today and yesterday! What a blessed relief from the heat!

    Believe it or not I have already done most of my fall decorating as we leave for vacation next Wednesday and when we return home on the 19th it really will be fall!

    I have not received my painting book yet from Amazon. Your second Santa is so cute! I can't wait to try! You said you did paint on canvas? Did you use crackle paint to get the background?

    Can't wait to see your fall décor. I am so ready for fall!

  2. Judy.. It is STILL summer here too! Will be in the mid 90's all week! Yikes. Our flowers are looking so pretty and our back lawn is doing pretty good so I'm very happy! LOVE your hydrangia wreaths.. they look so neat all dried like that, and the dried one with the pink tinges is just gorgeous! Love it! Love your coffee filter wreath too. I know.. things are starting to look like Autumn around here.. I can see some trees starting to change color. I'm not really quite ready for it, nor winter! Ugh. Not looking forward to the cold and snow so want to enjoy the warm summer days as long as possible. We are actually going "camping" this coming weekend with my sister and her husband. Will be in the mountains south and west of us about 100 miles so I'm looking forward to some mountain air, the water of the lake and lots of trees.... sigh... can hardly wait. We are taking our new "toy" and hope it does OK and doesn't break down. More on that in a future blog post I hope.... :-)....... it's not "new" but older but in good condition (I think). Can't believe when we get back, it will be September already! I don't usually do much Fall decorating.. just a little something by our front door, but think this year I may put something different over our wood stove (nonexistent) mantel.. either a picture or wreath. We don't have the mantel back in yet, so nowhere to put things for the seasons. Your flowers are still looking so pretty! Hugs... Marilyn

  3. Haha, we have unleashed an artistic beast...I absolutely love it. You are way more talented than you know girl. I am loving those Santas. They have twinkling eyes. :) You decorate so nicely in your home. It feels cozy and comfortable just looking at it. I also love seeing your flower gardens. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  4. Judy, It's been so hot here in Auburn. The owls are so cute...great find. Your paintings are lovely...keep up the good work. I do love the hydrangeas. I wish I had more shade. Drying them makes sense so you can enjoy them longer. Thank you for sharing at "Love Your Creativity." Happy week ahead Judy.

  5. So love the Limelight Hydrangeas. Just wish I had the room for them. Its been cooler here in Michigan and some of the early trees are turning. I always know September is on the way when these trees start turning. Love your new Santa too! Janice

  6. It's balmy in Chicagoland for a change...great switch from the oppressive heat and humidity. Love you garden, so lush, and the hydrangeas are gorgeous. I've killed 4 or so---one is still hanging on--but has only given 6 maybe blooms in 10 years. Guess they can't hang through our crazy freeze thaw winters here.

  7. I'm not ready for fall - summer days really just kicked in here last week. But, we do notice that the sunset is earlier each night and it is cool in the evening.

  8. Fall weather has been showing up a little here and there around my house, too, Judy and I don't love it. I'd rather be in the pool or at the beach. The winter is extreme and long here. That's the best way to describe it and I'm not ready for it. Your flowers still look pretty and there's no such thing as too many Santas. I say bring 'em on!! xo

  9. I love the Santa's with the flag! I keep thinking before Spring I will plant Chinese Lanterns and then forget. I just think they are so pretty in arrangements such as yours.
    Those owls are so dang cute. We love owls here and wish there were more live ones that would make their home close to us. They are amazing creatures.

  10. Judy I just love the owls and the vignette you did with them. Adorable! I am seeing the tops of the trees already starting to turn here in Illinois. I am loving every last minute we get of summer but I know fall will be here soon. So many signs all around us now. Have a great Labor Day Weekend.

  11. What a lovely post, I did enjoy all of your photographs.
    Can you believe we are now in the ninth month!
    Have a wonderful September.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  12. Hola! Estoy encantada de haber encontrado tu blog, tienes un espacio muy acogedor y bonito! Tu jardín es una maravilla, cuánto me han gustado los rinconcitos que nos enseñas, y en el interior de la casa también se nota que cuidas mucho la decoración, los buhos son preciosos, igual que la corona y la lámpara!
    Me quedo de seguidora para no perderme nada!

  13. Your little Santa is adorable. That used to be my 'niche', too, years ago when I was painting. Summer is winding down here, too. It went way too fast for me. I hope you have a great night. xo Diana

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Your comments are so special to me...Judy