1. A constantly changing set of colors
2. Constantly changing phases or events
Life is a kaleidoscope.
It is ever changing and
sometimes the colors are brighter
than other times.
The seasons change,
each one bringing a different event, and
a different perspective
to the way we look at
the world around us.
We grow up,
we grow old, and
how we manage all that,
even though our
surroundings and circumstances
have much to do with that process,
it is mostly up to us,
as individuals,
to figure it out on our own.
In a perfect world,
our innocent selves would prevail and
we would view all
that we see and do
through the eyes of a child.
Eyes that are still
uncorrupted by
life itself.
Sometimes we get lucky.
Sometimes it is an uphill struggle.
Whatever the case,
if we do what we think is right,
it usually comes out OK.
We make mistakes
all the time.
We must be able to forgive ourselves
these mistakes and
go on with a clear eye
so that the future
comes into focus and
we learn to live there
in peace and harmony.
Where did
all this wisdom come from,
you ask,
and why?
I'm really not that deep.
I was sitting here
in my mistake filled sitting room,
it doesn't look too bad and
reminding myself that
this can and will be fixed in time and
seeing that
a tulip on the coffee table,
almost at its life's end,
was still beautiful
at its core.
A kaleidoscope of views
that could be, and
probably will be in another time,
so much worse than
they are right at this minute.
It is a phase and event
that holds so much gratitude
for the
here and now...
...and a reminder that
if we keep our minds and hearts
clear and open,
clear and open,
for however long we can,
we will be able to always
see and appreciate
the changing colors
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