Tuesday, July 13, 2021



To put it bluntly and mildly...
and the sight of red is making me see red,
 and all the color needs to be put away 
along with the holiday it stood for!   
I walk from the sitting room to the kitchen 
with blinders on.
  Even the sight of the red walls in the dining room,
 which I normally love, 
is a bit too much these days.

The only much needed reprieve 
from it all is in the evening 
when we go out onto the front porch, 
and while we watch and rock by the light of the moon, 
the old school phlox, 
with their lacy white blooms and soft scent,
 send us into a different frame of mind. 
 It is then that a light bulb moment
 occurs over our heads
 and we start a plan 
to "fool the eye and the mind" 
by bringing the garden inside the Cottage.

We start with the sitting room. 
 We spend the majority of our waking hours in this room,
 so it seems the logical place to begin this experiment.  Beginning with the green wreath. 
 I am not the biggest fan 
of the color green for inside decor
 but in the garden it is key 
and this wreath reminds me of a cool spot
 beside a creek bank where ferns thrive
 and the sunlight is dappled. 
 A printed canvas with garden related subjects,
 a few springs of ivy, a little tin cottage
 and an architectural element
 bring the idea onto the mantel shelf.

I've gathered together some blue pillows for the sofa
 and a green faux boxwood sphere
 rests on an urn, on the wagon, along side a candle 
that hints of sweet and summery scents.

Here, on the game table, 
sits a tall branch from a bush in the garden. 
 Of course, the thought of adding
 a few faux stems came to mind
 but that would defeat the simplicity we are going for. 
 All nothing significant, for sure,
 just the basic start to any garden.
  All of the beauty and color that would come next 
will be left out, for now,
 in this fantasy garden. 

I have had this print for a very long time. 
 It has always reminded me of 
my sister and myself, down at our grandparent's ranch.
  Everything about it is reminiscent 
of a place that we played at 
or a strawberry patch we picked at
 or the chickens we fed and gathered eggs from. 
 I would like to think 
that I looked that special 
in my sun hat and summer dress but, in reality,
 I think overalls were the dress of the day.
  I remember my sister, though, 
looking just like the little girl in the painting.  
That was what our summers were like. 
 We were always outside,
 the sun was shining and we played bare foot
 in the creek and the dirt. 
We turned brown as berries, as Grandma used to say, 
 and never complained 
that we were too hot! 
 Truly, those were the good old days 
and where would we be now
 without all the memories?

Thank you for coming inside to the garden 
and hope you are finding your own ways 
of keeping cool this summer. 
 This "fool the eye and the mind" plan of mine
 is a good thought,
 but I can assure you that
 all the faux in the world
 will not change reality!


Right now,
 this looks like the "good old days".

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  1. That first photo of the phlox and bird bath and winding path could be made into a framed print for your home garden theme, it is so inviting to look at it. You have a lot of nice touches to your bring the garden indoors theme. Keep cool.

    1. Thanks so much, Terra. In the evening it is so refreshing to sit and look at those poor old flowers. They have been around for ever and I'm sure have seen many a hot day but in the 30 some odd years we have lived here, I don't think there has ever been ones as hot as they are now.. Hope you are enjoying your summer..xxoJudy

  2. Judy, I love your philosophy of "change the eye, change the mind." I hope it worked for you because it certainly looks effective (and lovely) in these photos! And a very good idea, too. There are so many lovely images. And I do love that print from the farm. I don't think I ever looked like that a day in my life but isn't it lovely to imagine?

    1. Thanks so much, Jeanie. It works pretty well but we have gotten lucky because it has cooled off considerable since then. It is s till in the high 80's and low 90's but while that seemed really hot awhile ago, now it seems cooler! I wish I could have looked like that too, then and now!..xxoJudy

  3. I like that you brought in some of your garden to the decor. I know you guys are really hot. It has been very hot and humid here too. Today was the first day in a long time we saw the sun. Love all your touches. Stay cool and glad you can at least enjoy the evening outside after the sun goes down. xoxo Kris

    1. Thanks so much, Kris. It has cooled down somewhat here too for now. 90 used to feel hot, but now it feels cooler. It has been nice in the evenings though and at least we don't get the high humidity like you do. I really don't think I could take that..xxoJudy

  4. An evening on the front porch sounds heavenly! It is so hot here too, that we don't spend any time outside just sitting! We water when it's coolest and spend the rest of the time indoors. Our back "patio" area is pretty OK around 8:30 at night, but now the mesquitos are coming out about that time, so that isn't fun either! Your bringing the green inside is a great idea.. and the cool colors of blue. I love all the blue on the couch and the mantel that you've fixed up with the greens. Having cool colors inside on the hot days, does help a little bit! It is so so dry here and there are already quite a few forest and wild fires in Oregon, so I'm dreading the next 2-3 months. I pray that it's not like last summer and fall with all the fires everywhere. Take care and stay as cool as you can! xoxo Marilyn

    1. Thanks so much, Marilyn. It has cooled off a bit these last few days and cooler colors do help a little. Of course you might notice that you don't see any of the flooring space. It is so littered with fans that it is hard going sometimes. We don't have A/C so use fans and one small portable water cooler and if we sit really still, it works pretty good. There are a few fires burning now and I just hate to hear about them. Hope it doesn't get any worse but it is probably inevitable..xxoJudy

  5. Well with rain every day for a week, being inside with the air is our norm right now. Lovely view you have of your inside garden decor. I am not a fan of green either, but greenery in displays always make things pop a bit. Janice

    1. Thanks so much, Janice. I wish we would get some rain. We need it so badly all over the west. I see designer rooms painted green and think they look beautiful but I just only like touches of it in my own. Except on the back porch it does feel right..xxoJudy

  6. Well Judy, it has been so hot. A reprieve today somewhat. Luckily we have a pool to hang out in. The print is precious and love that it reminds you of your grandparent's farm. Stay cool. xoxo

    1. Thanks so much, Linda. It has really cooled down these past few days. We have to make a quick trip to Santa Cruz tomorrow so will be a little cooler there too..xxoJudy

  7. I love your garden decor and the memories that go with it. It has been hot and humid here so no porch sitting for us.
    Keep cool....

    1. Thanks so much, Des. I can't think that I would survive if I had to put up with the humidity too..xxoJudy

  8. Judy, I'm sorry you are living with this extreme heat. I can certainly relate being one who lives in Texas. Ironically, our July has been wet and cooler than normal. It's a welcomed occurrence as you might imagine. I hope you cool off soon!
    The last photo certainly brings a smile. I think back to our extreme winter here that was totally unexpected and most unusual.
    Enjoy your cool surroundings inside.

    1. Thanks so much, Sarah. We normally have a pretty hot summer, but this year is unheard of. It usually cools off up towards our altitude from Sacramento. Although these last few days have been a little cooler and that is nice..xxoJudy

  9. Hi Judy, I am not a hot weather fan and I definitely sympathize with the extreme heat you have had to bear this summer. Your greenery touches do lend a coolness to your interior - so pretty and fresh. Your farm picture is so lovely. I grew up on a farm and those surely seem like simpler days. I'd like to imagine myself looking like the little girl in the white dress, but I'm pretty sure I was usually wearing hand me down shirts and jeans, lol. Wishing you cooler days! Jane

    1. Thanks so much, Jane. Those really were the good old days. I love being a kid at my grandparents. Luckily we lived on the same property when we were really small so it was a lot of good memories..Happy Summer..xxoJudy

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Kinga. I appreciate your visit..Happy Summer..xxoJudy

  11. Judy,
    Everything looks so relaxing and tranquil...We have been having an extremely hot and very humid Summer and I am miserable to put it mildly.... I want to un-decorate for the Patriotic Holidays and get my "Under the Sea" decor out but the thought of going up into that attic which must be over 100 degrees makes me want to melt!!!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by!!
    Stay cool and healthy , my friend!!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Deb. I know what you mean about having to move around for anything. At least, we don't have to put up with the high humidity. That really would do me in I'm afraid..Stay cool..xxoJudy

  12. Hi, Judy...white is cooling also, i'm just flipping my seasonal to whites and lighter blue with green. I'm sith you---it's been very hot. But, we keep getting rain with it, so the humidity is suffocating. Hugs, and experiments are always nice. Love the wreath/shelf vignette. Sandi

    1. Thanks so much, Sandi. I couldn't take it at all if we had high humidity. But I do wish we would get some rain. It has cooled down these last few days since I wrote this post..Happy Summer..xxoJudy

  13. I adore green inside, but what took my breath away was the fountain! I admire all your decorating, I just don't have it in me these days, just want to garden but that's been stopped with a leg injury. When healed and temps lower would love to have you and Linda for morning tea in the garden, with covid I have always felt safe outdoors. I still want to share iris too!

    1. Thanks so much, Jain. I know I am late getting to answering you. Our internet keeps going out and am just trying to get some visits in before the repairman comes to look at it. I hope you leg injury is not too bad. Morning tea in your garden sounds like heaven. Just a few days ago I was mentioning to someone that our counts had gone up to 60..today's count is well over a hundred. Will it ever stop? That poor fountain has been so pretty in the garden over the years, but now it just gathers dust (or ice). A rather large raccoon used it for a bath tub and broke it all apart. It now sits wobbly and we just put small amount of water in so the birds can get a drink..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

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