Tuesday, December 20, 2022



We did have a small amount of

 snow covering our rooftops 

and we also had the miracle of lots of rain. 

 The perfect setting for 

a light filled Christmas tour.

  Everything is calm, everything is bright, 

 all the lamps are lit 

and the stoves are alight. 

 It is warm and cozy 

just the way Christmas should be.

 The fragrance of the holidays

 is carried throughout, 

and the Cottage sparkles 

with the promise of Christmas magic. 

 I can't believe

 that the big day is almost here 

but, for now,

 there is a small space left 

for peace and quiet

 and taking time to take a breath 

and celebrate this

 beautiful winter holiday season.

We will start the candlelight tour 

in the place we last left,



We were planning on having

 Christmas dinner with the kids on Sunday,

 but Tami came down with a bad cold,

 she tested negative for Covid,

 but still felt miserable 

and didn't want to take the chance

 of passing it on to the rest of us

 so we put our plans off

 until they can all get 

their working schedules in a good place.  

To us, it doesn't matter, 
as long as we are all well and together. 
 So while everyone else  will have
  finished their celebrations, 
we will still be looking ahead 
with joyful anticipation. 
 That just means 
I can keep the decorations up
 a little longer.  

I think we will bundle up 

and take a ride to see 

the Christmas lights in town...

...the stars will still be shining...

...just like the sign says.




Now we are back where we started 

all those weeks ago. 

 Time does have a way of moving on 

and what was a beautiful beginning 

is now close to ending, 

although still beautiful.

  The memories are what is now important 

and we will cherish and hold them dear 

for the rest of forever.

I will leave you now 

with blessed wishes for a new good year 

and will return

 before the winter is over.  

Thank you all for your continuing friendships and kind words. 

 You all, and the writing of this blog, 

are wonderful joys in my life.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...


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Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda


Tuesday, December 13, 2022



Christmas time
 when all of the candles shine...

Christmas time
 when all of the treats are sweet...

Excuse Me - please...

Could you tell us
How to get - how to get to:
Gingerbread Street?

With sincere apologies and thanks to:
Sesame Street

'Tis the Season
 when all good little boys and girls 
are asking the same question 
and it is not
 a hard question to answer...

...just follow Rugby and Robin
and your nose
 from the dining room
 leading into the kitchen,
 all dressed up with the sights and aromas of the holiday season 
with love,
 from our home to yours.

Welcome to 
the Christmas Cottage Kitchen:

Now that you have seen what is new
 in this year's Christmas Cottage Kitchen,
 I will lead you around the room 
with very few words
 as everything you have seen before,
 but I hope that you will be
 as excited to see it all again 
as I am to show it to you. 

 I truly have to say 
that if I only had one room to decorate,
 I would love it to be the kitchen.

"I wish we could put up 
some of the Christmas spirit in jars 
and open a jar of it every month."

Harlan Miller

Some excitement
 at Holly Farms this Christmastime...

 ...if the Cottage
 and the little red kitchen stove 
had babies 
they would look just like these
 sweet little holiday cottages 
that I found on Antique Farmhouse. 
 The minute I saw them 
I knew it was
 a match made in Christmas heaven...

 ...it even persuaded 
the little elves from the 1960's
 to come out of hiding 
and hitch a ride on a Christmas chick
 all the way 
to Gingerbread Street. 

Of all the Santas in my world 
this is my favorite.  
Except for the real one, of course. 
 He has been broken 
and pasted back together again, 
but then so has the real one! 
They are each just a little stronger for it.

"Twas the night before Christmas

 so sayeth the book,

 not a creature was stirring, 

excepting the cook."

Author Unknown

I think this is
 my all time favorite Christmas project. 

 The painting of this little house,

 as if it were made of gingerbread,

 brings the biggest smile to my face 

every year when I see it

 for the first time.

I hope you enjoyed 

your trip to Gingerbread Street 

and I look forward to being back next week

 for the grand finale of the season.

  Hope you will join me then.


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Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda