Tuesday, June 25, 2024


I hope you like the new summer header.

 It is a beach out of my imagination that I wish I was sitting on right now 

and I left a lot of room so you all could join me.

Happy summer days everyone.

  I hope you are enjoying this beautiful time of the year. 

 The sunflower plant is thriving and will soon burst forth in full bloom. 

 I hope I won't regret where I planted it. 

 I hope that all who pass by 

will take in its beauty with their eyes and noses 

and not with their hands. 

 It has been known to happen around here

 from flowers to fences. 

The cosmos are coming along but the zinnia seeds

 that I planted are not seeming so lucky. 

 Everyone tells me how easy it is to grow from seeds 

but I have not had much luck in that department. 

 I tried finding plants at the nursery 

but they all were out of the large zinnias. 

 I ordered the seeds from Floret 

and they are some of the beautiful creations 

that they work so hard to create and perfect. 

 Only I could mess that up and, so far,

 it looks like I might have. 

 Time will tell.

The old school phlox is on the verge 

of bursting into bloom. 

 Soon the garden walk 

will be surrounded by white clouds. 

 I just can't seem to mess 

these particular flowers up.  

They always come through year after year. 

 My kind of gardening.

A few additional items have been added 

to the parlor spring mantel 

so that it is ready for Independence Day festivities. 

 After that it will take on a more summery attitude.

We are enjoying the start

 of wonderful summer weather 

as it slowly works its way up

 to what is known around here

 as "complaining weather". 

 All seasons have one. 

  However, we are not quite there yet. 

 We are soaking up all the goodness while we can. 

Hope everyone is staying as cool as they can

 and enjoying it all.

I have had problems finding where my photos go.

 For some reason I have been unable to find them after I took them out of the camera 

and put them into the computer.  

Don't you just love how I describe the process?

 No wonder I never know what I am doing. 

Anyway, I thought it had been settled after a trip to the store where I bought the computer 

but I only remembered to tell the technician

 half of the problem 

so came home not being anymore 

well off than when I left.  

After many tries and many fails,

 it finally became clear what the problem was 

and I finally could fix it. 

And that is really saying something. 

 Now I have been noticing that an error occurs

 when I try to leave a comment on most blogs. 

 I haven't got a clue why 

but I will keep trying to find out the problem 

and be sure that I am reading them all anyway.

Until next time...


Sharing today with:

Love Your Creativity Link Party #258 | Life and Linda


  1. Judy, your gardens look lovely. The beach picture is so calm and tranquil. I don't think we got rain last night. It is cloudy today and maybe a chance of thunderstorms. Stay cool. Happy summer. xoxo

    1. Thanks so much, Linda. We have had sprinkles off and on today. Really feels good. Wish summer would stay this way. Happy summer days, xxoJudy

  2. Judy it is always something with computers. I am like you I keep trying to fix the problem and eventually it happens. Not sure how but it does. Sorry you got one thing fixed and now have another. Geez!!!! Everyone showing sunflowers are showing the most beautiful colors. Have a good week. Hugs. Kris

  3. Thanks so much, Kris. Glad you are not coming through as anonymous any more. I was really surprised at the color of my sunflower..Happy Summer..xxoJudy

  4. Hi, Judy. It seems everytime the computer's system does an update, some permissions get screwed up---and you have to go back into google settings and give yourself permission again to make comments . Weird I know. I changed from 'when I'm asked' to 'always allow'...ugh, who knows, I'm always afraid to go near that stuff. If you are on a phone, who knows...lol. Love your photos, and yes, it is Complainin' weather for sure. Pretty much beastly! Sandi

    1. Thanks so much, Sandi. I was being anonymous for the longest time until I changed the 3rd party cookies but now I have to watch them because they keep fluctuating back and forth. It is a pain you know where. We are having strange weather here, sunny and warm but cloudy and windy-rain all at the same time..xxoJudy

  5. Oh that pitcher full of gorgeous summer flowers. so pretty Judy. Perfect mantel for the 4th! Love that phrase, "complainin'" weather. I guess that's me. I can't seem to find any that works best for me. Hate the heat; I'm like a balloon with the air let out. Happy July 4th!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Debra. I always feel like I complain too much but what else can you do? Right now we have sunshine, a little warmth but overcast and rainy all at once. You never know..xxoJudy

  6. Oh, Judy, the beach painting is lovely. I'd happily join you in this cool, serene spot. I recently returned from Cape Cod. The water was very chilly, but there were many in lounge chairs sunning on the sandy beach. I simply walked barefoot with sand between my toes. How I love that! Your garden is lovely. I had good luck growing cosmos from seed years ago. I need to give that a try again. I'm going to make a note on my calendar! Happy Summer!

    1. Thanks so much, Sarah. I was born in a beach town and never liked it that much because of the fog, but do miss walking on the sand too, and watching the ocean in a good storm can't be beat. I will just settle to paint one now and then. My zinnias are so sad, if I get one bloom it will be a wonder..xxoJudy

  7. Judy,
    We have just came out of a 6 day heat wave with temps. in the 90's and dew points in the Tropical zone...Since when did Pa. become tropical is what I want to know...I hope the entire Summer will be better because the heat does a number on me because of my auto immune disease...Everything at the cottage looks lovely and I adore the Patriotic mantel....I hope you are having a good week, my friend!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. Thannks so much, Deb. The week is good so far. Weather has cooled down considerable with still sunny and warm (not hot) but having little rain, clouds and wind all at the same time. Go figure!..xxoJudy

  8. I love your beach painting header! Reminds me of the olden days! All of your flowers are just gorgeous and so luscious and profuse! I have luck with seeds sometimes, and other times, I don't! Don't know why. I have grown zinneas from seeds before, and only one time did they come up and get big and flower! I do love Zinneas! I never have luck with peonies.. they are my arch nemesis! ha ha.... I have a small "garden" at my new place... everything is in pots or some 3x6 cedar flower beds. I did plant strawberries that are doing well.. and a couple of rhododendron root balls from a neighbor.. those are in the ground where I could actually dig. We've had a few "hot" days (in the 80's) and that's plenty hot enough for me! On the coast, 80 seems way too hot, with the humidity. Take care... love your patriotic decorations and flowers! Hugs.. Marilyn

  9. Thanks so much, Maril.yn. We have weird weather this day. Sunny and warm but very windy, some little rain. Would make nice "summer" weather if all season long. Jerry planted a cherry tomato bush and it is producing. Pretty good little morsels. xxoJudy

  10. Pretty Summer flowers. I also love your mantle. So festive. So far our Summer has been a hot and humid one with the mosquitos chasing us away. We cannot even eat outside which we love to do. UGH I hope your Summer start is going great for you. Janice

    1. Thanks so much, Janice. So far we are having pretty mild summer weather. It is so nice and hope it stays like this. Mosquitoes are bad here also.. Happy Summer Days..xxoJudy


Your comments are so special to me...Judy