There are those of us
that felt like
the never ending winter weather
had us locked up
in a prison not of our own making
and then
there are those of us
that took it
one step further...
...and, literally,
went into self-imposed exile.
There are certain sounds
that only Kai can hear
and they will send him looking
for a safe hiding place.
he felt this was one of those places
but he couldn't figure out
how to get out of it.
Before I could help him,
he made a break for it and... no uncertain terms,
told me
he wasn't waiting around for me
to bail him out!
It appears
that Mother Nature
has finally bailed us out
of the dark days.
Since we have had
a number of beautiful days
of good weather,
I am assuming that a
chance of Spring
really is here
and no amount of possible dreariness
that might come
would change my mind.
Especially, when I see...
...two of the tiniest of creatures
taking up residence
in our own little
Fly-By-Night Hideaway...
I couldn't get close enough
to take a clear picture
but you can tell,
when comparing him/her
to the ivy leaves and the entry
into the bird house,
how small this little pair is.
I get such a kick out of
what their eggs
must look like!
Sitting on the screened porch
we can watch all
of their comings and goings
as they busily prepare
for their new family.
So cute!
So spring!
P.S. I tried to google them but couldn't really tell from the pictures what kind of birds they might be. Brown, with a light grayish breast and a longer beak than a regular bird, but nowhere as long as a hummer. Super tiny and perch on the side of a tree and kind of skitter around. If you can tell from that description, let me know. Just curious.
As so many of us are,
I am obsessed with pillows.
Not too much else
will change the landscape of a room
like a pretty pillow.
But, what happens when
the limited storage space
is all used up
but the yearning for more pillows isn't?
I have come up
with a solution
that suits me
just fine...
You all are aware
that I have an assortment of
"cheap" pillow covers
I have ordered through Amazon.
(Not a one over $4.00)
Of course,
there are many choices of pillows available
at many different price points
and of much higher quality
and, I am not saying
that these can compete with those
in any way,
but for me they truly work.
When a down form is inserted,
it takes these pillows to
a higher level...
...and because of the storage issues,
I have turned mine into
"two for the price of one".
I have done a stenciled design
on the back.
This way,
I can change details and colors
on a whim
and not have an
extra pillow
to buy or store.
it is safe to say -
or not: