Tuesday, April 24, 2018


There are those of us 
that felt like
 the never ending winter weather
 had us locked up 
in a prison not of our own making 
and then 
there are those of us 
that took it 
one step further...

...and, literally,
 went into self-imposed exile.

 There are certain sounds 
that only Kai can hear 
and they will send him looking
 for a safe hiding place. 
 he felt this was one of those places
 but he couldn't figure out 
how to get out of it.

 Before I could help him,
 he made a break for it and...

...in no uncertain terms,
 told me
 he wasn't waiting around for me 
to bail him out!

It appears 
that Mother Nature 
has finally bailed us out 
of the dark days.

 Since we have had 
a number of beautiful days
 of good weather, 
I am assuming that a 
chance of Spring 
really is here 
and no amount of possible dreariness
 that might come 
would change my mind.

 Especially, when I see...

...two of the tiniest of creatures
 taking up residence 
in our own little
Fly-By-Night Hideaway...

I couldn't get close enough
 to take a clear picture 
but you can tell, 
when comparing him/her
 to the ivy leaves and the entry 
into the bird house, 
how small this little pair is.

I get such a kick out of 
what their eggs 
must look like!

 Sitting on the screened porch 
we can watch all
 of their comings and goings 
as they busily prepare
 for their new family. 
 So cute! 
So spring!

P.S. I tried to google them but couldn't really tell from the pictures what kind of birds they might be. Brown, with a light grayish breast and a longer beak than a regular bird, but nowhere as long as a hummer. Super tiny and perch on the side of a tree and kind of skitter around. If you can tell from that description, let me know. Just curious.

As so many of us are,
 I am obsessed with pillows. 
 Not too much else 
will change the landscape of a room 
like a pretty pillow.

  But, what happens when 
the limited storage space 
is all used up
 but the yearning for more pillows isn't?

 I have come up
 with a solution 
that suits me
 just fine...

You all are aware 
that I have an assortment of
"cheap" pillow covers 
I have ordered through Amazon. 
(Not a one over $4.00)

 Of course, 
there are many choices of pillows available 
at many different price points 
and of much higher quality 
and, I am not saying 
that these can compete with those
 in any way,
 but for me they truly work.

 When a down form is inserted,
 it takes these pillows to
 a higher level...

...and because of the storage issues, 
I have turned mine into 
"two for the price of one".

 I have done a stenciled design 
on the back.
  This way, 
I can change details and colors 
on a whim 
and not have an
 extra pillow 
to buy or store.

 it is safe to say -
 or not:




  1. The pillows are beautiful..and Kai is so sweet.. I'm just laughing just imagining the situation.. Same thing our son did when he was 2 years old, but his dad rescued him.. :D

  2. Oh what a beautiful room and the pillows really are a nice added addition. Sorry about your little furbabe, they can move fast when scared for sure. Maybe that is a wren?

  3. There is so much I love here I don't know where to begin! Your bird tenants! Oh, I wish I could tell you what they are but all I can tell you is that they are lucky to be with you! And sweet Kai. How adorable he is! I love your pillow idea and will be implementing it. I only recently started thinking about pillow covers. I have the same passion. Now I know a good and inexpensive source -- amazon!

  4. Judy, your little house looks like a wren house and they are very small...but the hanging on the side of the tree makes me think it's a nuthatch. They are small too. You dog Kai is so cute and funny. What a racket that must have been. Yes, it is spring and here to stay. Hooray. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie
    p.s. your two different sides to the pillows is clever, I like that.

  5. Happy Spring!Your home is so cozy and beautiful!Hugs!

  6. Hi Judy, Like you I am ever so ready for spring, but today Winter returned with dreary skies, rain and snow, plus cold temps. Tomorrow it is supposed to get up to the 60's...yeah. Here in Colorado, one never knows if it's spring until after Mother's Day when hopefully the snow won't return. However, we've had snow at the end of May too. I love your idea about the pillows, a great way to have many that don't take up room. Have a great evening.

  7. I looked into those pillow covers on Amazon from the last time you mentioned them and there are a lot that I would love to own. I just don't have many places to put them without cats, boys or men ruining them! I do have a bunch lined up on my window seat but my black cat Cyrus likes to perch on them to look outside. It's okay till I have to clean up the black hair! It has been Spring, kinda, for the past two days here. I am not sure it has officially arrived though.

  8. I now sew my own pillows and put Velcro at one end, that way I can change to the different seasons and not have tons of pillows here and there. Also those storage bags that you suck the air out of work good also.

    Love the way your couch looks and the Spring you have around the house.

    Is Kai afraid of thunder? My dogs hate Fireworks and hide when they are set off. I have to give them medication to calm them down.

    Hope that Spring has arrived for you.


  9. I love pillows, too! Unfortunately, my other half doesn't! I find them stuffed down on the floor by the couch or chair or upside down, or piled on top of one another. I have only 2 on the couch, and one on each chair. If it was only me, I would have dozens! I think your birds are nuthatches, too. Kai is so sweet!

  10. I love pillows and by reading your post I am reminded to pull out a few for spring. That tiny little bird is so sweet. I get so mad when I go outside in the morning and see birds feathers all round the bush where something keeps getting them. I hope nothing gets yours. Probably not with your kai around watching. Happy Spring finally, Betsy

  11. What a sweet little bird family. I wonder if they are sparrows. Love your pillows. Have a great week.

  12. I love watching the birds in my yard. I don't know all the names, either, but I really do enjoy it. Your pillows are lovey and the stencil on the back is so fun...I do the same. Your design is perfect and I too hope spring sticks around!! xoxo Fingers crossed and crossed again!

  13. It's always so special when the birds nest up close so you can watch them. What a cute little house they have, too. Kai has the right idea - take advantage of the sun when you can. Your pillows are wonderful and I love the idea of stenciling the backs and just storing the covers. I am in agreement that you can't have too many! Maybe the weather has finally turned a corner and the sun will last a while. xx Karen

  14. Your bird might also be a Ruby Crowned Kinglet - or Golden Crowned Kinglet - they look similar except for the "crown" that appears atop their little heads when they become excited. Whatever they are - they are lucky to have such a sweet home. Your pillows are lovely - I must look into some ideas for changing mine up a bit more, and love your ideas for multi-use covers. I'm glad Kai got out of his prison - hopefully he is more cheerful with the warmer days coming on. Happy weekend my dear.

  15. I love to watch the birds. I love your room with beautiful pillows that make it extra special. I need to make some more pillows for my LR. So much to sew and do. Hugs, LJ

  16. Hi Judy, I'm not sure either what the birds are. My sister has a bird book that I've looked at occasionally, but don't have it with me. One of these days, if you can get a closer look at them, or a clear picture, you can go online for maybe "birds of California" and find it. That's what I did when we first moved here in central Oregon, as there was such a gorgeous bird using the little birdhouse I put up... it had shimmery blue on its back, and I found it!

    It's so fun to watch them flit in and out of their little house! Love your pillow idea. I have 3 covers for a smaller pillow on my bed, that I use when I sleep.. so can change out the cover for the seasons. I'm not a real pillow person as I'm the one who puts them on the floor when I sit on the couch or chair! But I do love the look of them.... and you reminded me that I need to make some covers for the few that I have in my living room! They are fun and easy to make and you can slip them off and on, to wash, etc. Love the stencil idea! I used to stencil alot, but that was YEARS ago!

    So glad your Spring has arrived... today we continue to have gray cloudy skies and is only 48 degrees here! But I think tomorrow will dawn clear and sunny and (maybe) 71 out. May can be very "iffy" here in central Oregon.. one day warm and the next cold and we're still having nights with freezing or below temps!

    Take care and give sweet Kai and hug from me! xoxoo Marilyn


Your comments are so special to me...Judy