Wednesday, December 13, 2023



There is a celebration of great magnitude coming this year.

  A Grand Old Lady 

has picked herself up, brushed herself off, put her best face on 

and is getting ready to party 

and, no, it isn't me!

It is our sweet little Cottage. 

It is almost impossible to think back to how it must have been 

all those Christmases ago. 

 To my knowledge there is little known about how things were 

but just knowing this little house after living here so long, 

I can almost see it for real.

Here the Garland family lived and played. 

 The father, a hard working miner,

 the mother,  the keeper of the home, 

two daughters who grew up 

to become a nurse and a teacher, 

and a son who became a banker.  

They tended a beautiful garden that was

 the talk of the neighborhood,

 and from the broken shards of china

 and glass that were found 
buried in that garden, 

it would appear that Mrs. Garland 

set a very pretty table. 

Obviously,  love and good manners 

were plentiful.

I can almost hear

 the creaking of the old rocking chairs 

as the two of them,

 dressed in their Sunday best,

 greeted neighbors as they passed by

 on a weekend stroll.

As I am decorating for this

 156th  Christmas celebration, 

I feel all those facts to be true.

If these walls could talk.
Oh, but they do!

 After having lived within these walls

 for 34 of those years, 

we have had some 

enlightening conversations.

There are two

 large holly trees

 in the garden 

that were planted by Mr. Garland. 

 I would imagine that Mrs. Garland 

 gathered many armloads of branches 

for their Christmas celebrations 

over the years, 

as I have continued to do for ours.

This little Cottage has always been 
full of good feelings.  
We were aware of that,
 even before we owned her. 
 From the first moment
 that we stepped through the front door
 we felt it. 

Throughout some of those long years,

 she had not been 

thoughtfully taken care of

 but she still stood strong. 

 We knew that she could be loved into

 something special once again. 

 It is an amazing experience

 to be able to live surrounded by history. 

 Memories are everywhere 

and are wonderful to have. 

 Some of our most cherished 
Christmas memories 
are from another place and time 
but we feel so grateful and fortunate 
that this Grand Old Lady 
has helped us to make new ones 
and to share in all of hers.


"He said, you become.

 It takes a long time. 

 That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, 

or have sharp edges, or have to be carefully kept.  

Generally, by the time you are Real, 

most of your hair has been loved off,

 and your eyes drop out 

and you get loose in the joints

 and very shabby. 

 But these things don't matter at all,

 because once you are Real

 you can't be ugly, 

except to people who don't understand."

The Velveteen Rabbit

Margery Williams Bianco


And, isn't that the way it often is?

Christmas:  Coming Soon.


Sharing today with:

Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda

Just got the computer back yesterday.  Still a work in progress.  Can't figure out some aspects yet but not giving up.


  1. Such happy reading. Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy and Blessed New Year

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words. Merry Christmas to you also and a safe and healthy Happy New Year..xxoJudy

  2. How beautiful. My first home as a child was a 1904 Sears Home--one of those 2 story 4-squares that my parents rented the upstairs apartment, our second house was an 1870's Victorian with a porch, a wood doored parlor, huge dining room and miniscule bedrooms. Upstairs was an apartment just as big and an attic above that...our 1958 builder home was under 1000 square feet in a better part of town and two blocks from my school. Married -we lived in married student housing---a WWII quonset hut village that was basically a tent of corrugated metal...then we bought a 3 story stone victorian mansion that was a money pit with 54 windows, 13 were stained glass---we lovingly tried to continue the restorations, but then moved to the Chicago area from N. Wisconsin. We've been in three homes here in Illinois---and decorating is always still---based in my childhood old homes, perhaps why I so enjoy your blog, because it feels like HOME. This is what we try to create here, though I'm very late this year...just muddling along and trying to get there! HUGS, and it definitely Christmas in your lovely cottage, and definitely my version of HOME!

  3. Thanks so much, Sandi. It sounds like you lived in a lot of beautiful homes. I grew up in a non-descript house that my dad built out of a garage. I then
    lived in a camp on my grandparents property while my dad remodeled that garage again only better this time. It was hard during my high school years but fun for awhile. When first married, I always tried to make my home into a Victorian cottage and now am fortunate enough to have one..Merry Christmas..xxoJudy

  4. How amazing to think of the families that lived in your cottage for the past years and celebrating the holidays. Oh if the walls could talk! I love that you have all that history to your home. Have a good rest of the week. Hugs. Kris.

    1. Thanks so much, Kris. Oh, for a time machine just for a day. Hope all is well with you. Merry Christmas..xxoJudy

  5. I think you beautiful cottage is so lucky to have you living inside and loving it so...the fact that you appreciate the history and have kept it in such great shape is amazing. SO many people just knock these treasures down and build on them. Boo! And yes, if walls could talk!! Haha!! Merry Christmas in your charming home.

    1. Thanks so much, Kim. It seems that we are a good fit. It is a constant struggle though to keep it up in the way it deserves but we do our best. Merry Christmas, my friend. xxoJudy

  6. Judy, there is so much history about your grand old lady. How special to share the history and memories. I hope you are getting used to your new laptop. Merry Christmas. xoxo

    1. Thanks so much, Linda. I appreciate it. Slowly but surely. I finally figured out how to join up to your party. I jump for joy with each new thing I learn. Merry Christmas to you..xxoJudy

  7. I love that you could feel the good energy as soon as you walked in the door! And you continue to add to the wonderful history and good vibes of your beautiful home. Love the Velveteen Rabbit quote and it is so true, isn't it? Such lovely photos to illustrate your beautiful post. Sending hugs xo K

    1. Thanks so much, Karen. There has always been a connection with this house for us, even when the pipes burst or the roof leaked! Merry Christmas to you and your family..xxoJudy

  8. You are indeed surrounded by history and I love how you honor that history in your own style and decor. It's truly beautful! Sending all good wishes for a very wonderful holiday in your beautiful home!

    1. Thanks so much, Jeanie. I am having fun decorating and almost through. Hope you and Steve have a wonderful Christmas..xxoJudy

    2. Sorry, Rick, I had just been talking about a friend whose name is Steve. Old minds work in mysterious ways!

  9. Oh my Judy, this was the most lovely post - between your beautiful, heartfelt words and gorgeous photos, you really captured the charm of your home. How fitting, this time of year, to be reminded the Garland family once lived there. Jane

    1. Thanks so much, Jane. Your kind comments are always welcome and I always know that you get it! Merry Christmas to you and your family..xxoJudy

  10. Happy 156 years of Christmas memories to your sweet lovely cottage. You have made the Garlands proud. Janice


Your comments are so special to me...Judy