Tuesday, February 20, 2024


We are kind of at a crossroads around here. 

 The holidays are over, 

Valentines Day has come and gone 

and winter is winding down. 

 I see a lot of bunnies in different places 

but, personally,

 I'm not ready for them just yet. 

 Spring is around the corner, 

and our hearts are joyful, 

but it still has a ways to go. 

 My juices don't start flowing until that warm sunshine

 is literally coming through the lace curtains

 so the question is 

what to do until then.

I suppose now would be a good time 

to clean out closets and drawers 

and if I was anywhere close to normal, 

that would be what I would do, 

but due to circumstances beyond my control,

 I just can't do that. 

 I have neither the desire or the want

 to do what seems logical.  

I am just the opposite from most people. 

 When it is beautiful and sunny, 

when most would want to be outside

 in the garden or at the beach, 

that is when I want to be in my house

 washing windows and cleaning. 

 I don't think it is an age thing

 as I have always been this way. 

 I often think it would be nice to be a bear

 and sleep throughout the winter, 

waking up refreshed and ready to go in the spring. 

 So that brings me back

 to the question of what to do until then...

...flowers, flowers, flowers, 

beautiful and colorful flowers.

The Captain brings me flowers quite often. 

 I love that he does that and always appreciate them

 no matter what the occasion, 

but he doesn't especially pay attention to the colors. 

 If I were to mention 

that I would like a bouquet for the kitchen table, 

he jumps right on that 

and brings home orange and purple flowers. 

 But, when I got up on Valentines Day, 

guess what was waiting for me. 

 Two beautiful bunches of pink and red tulips. 

 He couldn't have gotten it

 more perfect than that.

And, now as I am writing this,

 I am feeling a burst of energy and lightness

 that I haven't felt for awhile. 

 I feel very fortunate to live in California, 

as even in the dead of winter,

 there are many moments when the sun 

does come shining through the lace curtains, 

even after a day of rain

 when Rugby and Robin go to bed 

looking like little drowned rats.

The kitchen is on the back side of the Cottage

 and doesn't get any sun 

for the better part of the day 

so the beautiful red tulips really brighten it up.

I expect there will be a few more times

 where there will be nothing new to get excited about

 and until there is

 there will always be just 

lots and lots of colorful 

and beautiful flowers.

Around here we are lucky

 that we can vote by mail if we choose.  

No waiting in long lines 

in the heat or the rain.  

While I was getting used to my new laptop, 

I practiced over and over typing 

"Now is the time

 for all good men 

to come to the aid

 of their country"...

Please vote. 

 Now is the time.

"So glad it is finally time to cuddle and watch TV".


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  1. Judy,
    You are so right in that everyone is rushing toward Spring...It is pretty hard to even think of Spring when we got 71/2 inches of snow last week followed a few days later by another 3 1/2 inches of snow!!! It was 14 degrees here this morning so I am still very much in Winter mode and enjoying it as I do much better physically in the colder months...Funny thing is that I have been cleaning out closets, drawers, going through linens and dishes, etc.....Now is the time when I am in between holiday decorating that i tend to do these things...Winter/Valentine's is staying up until next week....I will decorate the china cupboard and around it for Saint Patrick's Day this week but Easter and Spring will have to wait at least until next week as I am just not in the mood for it!!! Beautiful flowers!!! I hope you are having a great week!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. Thanks so much, Deb. You seem so on top of things. You do all the pretty decorating and still find time to clean out cupboards and drawers. I applaud you my friend and thanks for the visit..Happy Wednesday.. Sounds like you are having a wicked winter..xxoJudy

  2. What a sweet hubby you have! Pink and red tulips are the perfect pick me up. We're having 60's here but I'm afraid all the buds will come out and then have a deep freeze. Get the cold over with and then let spring come in April!

    1. Thanks so much, Debra. Yes, he is pretty much a keeper! We have been having lots of rain and cloudy skies when it isn't raining. A little on the cold side too..Happy Wednesday...xxoJudy

  3. We are feeling early spring here in Illinois. Our temps all month for February were breaking records for being the warmest on record. It is hard not to think Spring when we are usually frosty and cold and we have been very spring like around here. The Robins are a sign of spring and they have been back here for weeks. I have been like you and not feeling motivated to do Spring cleaning but have been forcing myself to clean out closets and cabinets and donate things. Not ready for the deep cleaning of windows yet with winter still a possibility to return. Hugs. Kris

    1. Thanks so much, Kris. We are not feeling spring here yet but hopefully soon. I guess St. Patricks Day will be next on the agenda. Usually I don't do much for it but I did pick up a pretty little piece thrifting last weekend..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

  4. Oh Judy, I so agree with everything you are saying. There is a bit of listlessness -- I'm still living with Christmas till the basement is done but want to get a bit decorated for spring and yet.... I just don't have the energy and heaven knows if I can find all the "stuff." Ah, well. We'll see!

  5. Thanks so much, Jeanie. I try so hard not to feel this way but I just can't help it. As I am writing this the sun has come out and I can just feel the weight lifting..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

  6. These flowers are so beautiful. Maybe your readers will come up with some interesting flowers names.

    1. Thanks so much. Isn't it wonderful that the love, beauty and language of flowers is universal..xxoJudy


Your comments are so special to me...Judy