Tuesday, January 30, 2024


When I say this post is about nothing,
 I don't mean to say it's about nothing.
  It is about something, 
but may mean nothing to anyone
 other than myself. 

The photos were chosen for no rhyme or reason 

but only because I like them

 and, in the end, 

I hope you will see that they prove my point.

No doubt you have heard me complain

 about my getting used to this new computer.  

I will just say it has been a long journey

 which, by no means, is totally over yet.

I used Picasa in the past

 and even though I couldn't begin to tell you, now, how I managed to set that up,

 all I know is that it took care of all my editing needs with mostly one click. 

As it was lost when I took possession of this new one, 

I felt like I had landed in no-man's land without it.

 I would rather figure out things for myself 

and, in all honesty, eventually most times I can,

 but it takes a long while for me to do that.

I did finally figure out how to get 

my watermark back on my photos. 

 I went on "Watermarquee.com" 

and signed up for the "Pro".  

It only cost $19 flat fee forever.  

They do have a free version 

but it doesn't offer as much.  

It is so easy and as I am now a "Pro", 

I can help anyone who needs it!!

The size of my photos 
is the most important thing to me.
 I just don't like how my blog looks with small photos.
This is just my "personal wierdness" 
and very important to me. 
Jacenda came up with a good solution 
and showed me how to do it 
but then I noticed that my pictures
 intrude into my sidebar  
and wave around from side to side.
 I know you must have noticed 
but were too polite to say anything. 
 I thank you for your concern for my feelings,
 but I would never mind 
if you tell me you see something wrong.  
Jacenda made it look so easy 
but it wasn't an exact science. 
Her hands are so steady and confident, 
as well as her knowledge, 
after all, she is a nurse, 
but mine aren't
 and I didn't always get the spot just right,
 so it stands to reason that it didn't work for me.

I did remember a snippet from Picasa though that had to do with the pixel count of a picture, 
and thought it was 900, but that was a little too large so I changed them to 875. (500) 
 I googled how to find the pixel count 
and, long story short,
 I changed the size of my photos 
and now they work just the way I like them.  
There are a few more steps than just one click 
but I'm finding it worth it.

So, now I warned you
 this post was about nothing
 but something I wanted to get in writing,
if nothing more than to prove to myself 
that I did figure it out. 

Most of this will sound old hat to probably all of you
but it is exciting to me that I was able to do it.
If you will remember, I said in my last post 
that it doesn't take much to make me happy! 
I thought I might not even publish it
 - --
but, what the heck!!

Let me know what you think about it all,
 and if anyone is having similar problems
 I have learned a couple of things 
that I might be able to help with. 

Imagine that!!


P.S.  I just published this post and noticed that my margins are still out of whack.  I sized my photos down and it still didn't help.  After I type it up and "preview" it the margins are all just fine but the minute I "publish" there they go.  Back to the drawing board.

P.S.S.  I think I may have fixed it. I had to make my photos smaller and change the margins.  Whether I did it right or not - I don't know but it seems to be working now.  Let Me Know.

Sharing today at:


  1. Sorry Judy, you are having issues with your new computer. It is always wise to re-size your post photos before uploading them. If they are too large, it really slows down the loading time and people can get bored waiting.
    It also takes up a lot of space in Google. Kudos tp you for creating your watermark. Happy week. xoxo

    1. Thanks so much, Linda. I did resize them to 500 pixels and then put them on the post using extra large size. They seem to load up quickly for me, but I am not sure if they work the same like when you or someone else opens them. What do you think? xxoJudy

  2. Love your Nothing photos...I'm still angsting about my loss of a photo/image ap that was on 5 compiuters ago...it did the best things to photos. I'm 10 months in on using the new Mac, and am still stumbling now and then, now I have a new phone...worthy of another long whine...lol. Hugs, Sandi

    1. Thanks so much, Sandi. Maybe it's too late to teach an old dog new tricks, but it is taking me a long time to figure it all out. I'm sure there will be more whining before it is over.xxoJudy

  3. Everything looks just right Judy! The photos nice and big but not too big... and nothing goes over into the sidebars. When I first started using Blogger, I had problems too with my photo sizes, but did learn (somehow) that I needed smaller ones, so I now downsize every one that I put on my blog.. it's a pain but works... and also like you, I use the "extra large" feature that I can choose right in Blogger. I was upset too when I lost my last computer that I had had for 10 years... I had a wonderful photo program that came with Windows 7 I think it was, or just some random program that was there, and it did everything I needed! What I loved about it was that I could add all sorts of effects to my photos, like the soft edges, fuzzy edges, or foggy look or like it was underwater, or so many... and then I got my Dell and Windows 10, and no longer had that program! And the standard photo feature that came with the Dell and Windows 10 does hardly anything! I was really mad about that, and used a couple of other free programs for awhile but they didn't work well either. Finally found Photoscape for my batch resizing which I love, and it also has a (very limited) watermark feature. I may go check out the one you are using. I also use I found Bytescout for adding watermarks (also free). I now can't even remember what program that was that I liked so much! If I had to go back to Blogger now and fix things, I'd be stumped! It's been so long since I set things up. I used to know how to go in and change margins and take out spaces between paragraphs, etc. and all that, but now I don't remember. Thank goodness I did make notes and keep them in a file (now if I could just remember where that file is!). Loved all your misc. photos too... so pretty! We've had springlike weather which has been so so nice! xoxo Marilyn

    1. Thanks so much, Marilyn. I feel like I am whining a little too much, but I don't know why sites seem to make it so hard. I used to use PicMonkey and it was pretty easy to muddle through, but I found Picasa and liked it the best for ease and content. I tried PicMonkey again and now it seems changed so much and really hard for me to figure out. I keep plugging along and eventually I will get it! xxoJudy

  4. Your photos are nice and clear and perfect size. I am like you and not a computer wiz. I figure things out but it takes me awhile too. Then if someone asks me what I did I can never tell them lol! I use be funky to edit my photos it is free and pretty easy to navigate. Hope you are doing well. Hugs. Kris

    1. Thanks so much, Kris. It is fun to learn something new, I just wish it didn't take me so long. I am going to check out be funky..Have a great weekend..xxoJudy

  5. It all looks good to me, Judy! I love computer work and designing the website and fixing and figuring, but it's not always easy. I'm glad you were able to figure it out. It all looks lovely. xo

    1. Thanks so much, Kim. For all my whining I do enjoy it but just wish it wouldn't take so long to get the hang of something. I think I'm getting closer..xxoJudy

  6. I use to use Pic Monkey to photoshop my pics until they started to charge a fee. Now I just take my own pics and dont do anything. I dont really have the time so no biggee to me. I hope all goes well for you. New computers can be overwhelming. It took me quite a bit of time to figure out Windows 10. Janice

    1. Thanks so much, Janice. I used PicMonkey before too and I did try it again but found it had changed so much that I couldn't figure it out either. I think it is getting easier a little bit. xxoJudy

  7. Judy,
    Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by!! I love all your nothing picture and I do think that they are really quite something beautiful!! I use the picture program that came with windows through Microsoft, I guess...It has been on my computers ever since we had computers.... I guess it is whatever my son installs on our computers...I will look into the Watermark suggestion as I have thought about doing that for many years....I hope you both are feeling well....It has been a cold and snowy Winter so far for us which is back to what it should be like here in NEPA!!
    Take good care, my friend!

    1. Thanks so much Deb. That is a good watermark program. The free part of it just lets you do only a certain amount of photos, so I went for the Pro which was a flat $19. I didn't think that was too bad for any amount you want to do. You know, if I could do it, anybody could!! Enjoy the snow! We have 't gotten any more since before Thanksgiving only spotty sun and dreary clouds and lots of rain last night..xxoJudy

  8. I had a total cow when I switched computers and couldn't get PIcassa. And then somewhere my wonderful IT person managed to find it (I don't know if she'd saved it or could transfer it from my old computer) and I'm relieved. I should watermark and don't. I'll have to check out that site. I use the blogger thing to make pix big -- click on the pic and in the menu that comes up when you do go to large. I think on my template, largest sends it into the sidebar as you mentioned. I just hate it when there are major computer changes. Makes me crazy. (I'm dealing with a Word one right now, related to my work dropping retirees from Word and having a new version on my computer.) Your photos are beautiful no matter what ones you include!

  9. Thanks so much, Jeanie. You got lucky and must have switched before Google dropped Picasa. I was told that I could still use Picasa until something went wrong then I would lose it. Well, something went wrong, my computer went bust so I can't have it anymore. I sure miss it but think I am learning better now. Before I would click on the "original" size and that would make my pics like I liked them, but now I just kind of guess between "large or extra large". There was something about using Picasa that just made everything OK. Good luck with your problem, I wouldn't even begin to know how to help you. I would if I could because I know how frustrating it can be..xxoJudy

  10. Judy, it's always enjoyable to read your musings. I have a constant battle with photo size. Not something I totally understand. I'm with you on blogs with small photos, but also with the ones that are way oversized. You seem to have found the right ratio. Keep posting!

  11. Thanks so much Sarah. I like them bigger too and check out this week's post (Feb 6) and, for me, I got them just right. I checked with my daughter and she said they didn't slow down anything when she loaded them up. I set them at 850 pixels, landscape width and portrait, height and then clicked them on "original" on my post. Seemed to come out just right, this time anyway. xxoJudy


Your comments are so special to me...Judy